
I am so thankful!

My book: Purposely Positive: How to Live an Intentional and Inspired Life has been purchased/downloaded 1093 times!

I am thankful for everyone who took the time to give it a read!

I am thankful that I live in a world where it is encouraged to share my thoughts with the world.

I am thankful for the many avenues available to do so!

I am thankful!

Suit and Jacket

I love this song! Suit and Jacket by Judah and the Lion!

I actually like almost all of their songs.

They are upbeat, they sing about living life and being kind, trying to be better people. The songs are just awesome!

In this song, the lyrics “Now how am I supposed to slow it down so I can figure out who I am?” Discuss how everyone seems to grow up too quickly. Some give up on their dreams for security.

It is a powerful statement. I am over 40 and still have times I am trying to figure out who I am. I feel that who I am changes throughout my life.

Single, husband, athlete, father, Doctor, friend, author…we continually evolve who we are throughout our lives.

And it is so important that we connect dreams to wherever we are in life.

And those dreams can and should morph as we do πŸ™‚

I am thankful for the reminder today!

P.S. if you want to check out my book: Purposely Positive: How to Live an Intentional and Inspired Life. Check it out on Amazon

I’m alive

This morning, I woke up a bit late, grabbed coffee and drove my son, Payton to school. I was a bit tired but was greeted with this view after dropping him off.

Then this song came up on my playlist

Ok, great reminder to be joyful that I am alive… then this song played immediately after

“It’s your heart, it’s alive, it’s pumping blood…and the whole wide world is whistling.”

I am so grateful to have these moments, this breath, this body, this family, this “job”, this experience, this LIFE!

The ability to exemplify

I am so grateful that we all are given the opportunity to be the example of how we want the world to be. In light of (yet another) tragedy plaguing our world, we can choose to bring the joy, we can choose to be the light, we can choose to exemplify what true human warmth and compassion is. I am thankful for the opportunity to be the example, and it is not taken lightly.

I am grateful for the love in humanity and the ability to choose to allow it to grow and spread or to do the exact opposite. Today and everyday, I choose love.


Rules of the universe

I am so grateful for some of the unwrites “laws” of life. One enormous one is that you cannot out-give the universe. When we give joy, we receive joy. When we lift others up, we are lifted up. When we help others, our own burdens are decreased. These aren’t “mystical”, they are 100% reality. I am grateful that when I practice kindness, compassion, love, and gratitude all of these flow back into my life over and over again!

Gratitude games

This week, I sent a text out to my staff to say 3 things they were grateful for Β in Their personal lives from the past week, and 3 things in their work life. It was great! I did the same thing this morning with all 14 docs in my text group, almost everyone played along.

I am so grateful for the energy! Reading what other people are grateful for (as well as stating what I am grateful for) is truly uplifting!

Lyrics & “Dancing”

I love music, I love lyrics, I love artistry… I can’t play a triangle to save my life, but I appreciate the power of music.Β  This morning, I was blessed to speak to two of my good friends who also happen to be Chiropractors. I learn from both of them and they both have said they learn from me. Anyway, this morning we discussed how I was kind of a grumpy-magoo the past few days (for no real reason, sometimes you are just “off”). We talked about how it is sometimes easy to get upset at ourselves for being off, and that just keeps us there longer. Or we can try to “fight” it by over-compensating and trying to beat the negativity into submission… that doesn’t work either. The key is to give 100% of what you got each day (and that will change all the time).

Then I played my “getting ready” playlist and Shake It Out by Florence and the Machine came on and it was perfect. “It’s hard to dance with a devil on your back, so shake him off.” It is just that… shake off the negative, dance in the positive but don’t try to destroy it. Dance and shake it off πŸ™‚


