
I am grateful for instances that help me regain perspective.  There are things in life that are incredibly important but seem to get out of focus from time to time.  I am grateful for reminders, to keep what is dear to my soul, in my heart and mind at all times; to focus on helping people, that is the number one thing.  ANd to do it as best as I can, every time!


I am so grateful for everyone’s support and understanding during my road to getting back to being healthy. Thank you to my husband and sister for taking care of me these last couple of days and making sure I am ok.


I am grateful for the ability to refocus on what is important in life. I never thought it would take a traumatic experience for me to realize that, but it changes the perspective on everything. I am grateful we, and most importantly Casey, have a second chance to make sure the life we are living is what we want, 100%.


I started meditation on the 19th. Omvana sends out exercises each day to follow, and they have been extremely helpful with helping me sleep, and ease my mind.

Dr. Dennis James

I am so grateful for the morning talks I have with Dennis.  We help get each other in the right mind-set and it is good to see we both work through some of the same mental/emotional blockages on our path to serving through chiropractic.  He is an inspirational mentor and an amazing friend.  I am grateful.

A Night Out

Casey and I were able to meet up with some friends Saturday night for dinner and then went to see Aziz Ansari at the Bellco Theatre. We definitely needed the laughs, and just getting out of the house, and back to some normalcy.  It was great seeing Casey laugh and be with his friends.

Boys Day

I am grateful for such a fun day yesterday with my kids.  Sheri had an Arbonne party at her mom’s, so Payton, Isaac and I had a blast. We went on a hike around McKay Lake, got passport pictures of the kids for our Canada trip, played pool in the basement (with the music turned way up :), jumped on the trampoline, and made an awesome dinner together! I am blessed to have such great kids!


I am so grateful for the amazing Doctors (including you, Dr Lindeman!) that have been able to help Casey and I through this process. They have really provided the best care, and provided us with the correct steps in order to get him on the path to recovery.


We are relieved that we know what the outcome is now. I know that this weekend perhaps may be the hardest when my body actually has to go through with it, but I am looking forward to feeling better and moving on. I think we even surprised ourselves with how we are handling and dealing with the situation. Even when we found out for sure yesterday, we felt relieved more than anything.

People to talk to

I am grateful for the doctors who called me this morning to ask questions. I am honored and grateful to be able to help the newer doctors, and it serves as a great reminder of how far we have come.  My job as I see it isn’t just to help my patients, but to help other doctors so the patients that we serve as a group is exponential.  I am grateful for all the people who give me advice and help, and I am honored to return the favor.