Thanksgiving with family

I am grateful to be home this year for Thanksgiving. We were in Florida last year and unfortunately couldn’t come home. Mike and I have such big families that our Thanksgiving dinners are split up into three dinners. I am looking forward to food, spending time with loved ones, and more food.

Morning coffee with Sheri

I am grateful this week that Sheri has the week off.  We get to have breakfast together and sip coffee while sitting at the table and talking about our day to come. Quiet time in the beautiful morning is a great time to connect and prepare for a great day ahead!

Amelia & Eliza

I was very fortunate enough to be Amelia and Eliza’s nanny for almost 6 years from when they were infants until before I left to Florida. Children have such excitement and enthusiasm for life.  Amelia is smart and curious. She enjoys reading, swimming, gymnastics, and asking questions. Eliza is loud and girly. She loves talking, playing with dolls, dressing up, and telling stories. Both of these girls have taught me patience, understanding, nurturing, and enjoying the small things in life. They still are a major part of my life and will continue to be.

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On most Sundays, a group of friends come over and we watch the Broncos football game together. I’m grateful for these bonding moments with good food and great friends.


My husband got a temporary work project in Florida last year. We moved to  Melbourne, FL for about 8 months from August 2013 – April 2014. I am grateful for the 8 months spent in FL. Being newly married, we got the time to really focus on each other and our marriage. Also, we got to explore all over FL and the Caribbean. We were able to get a season pass to Disney World and went a total of 35 times. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity and a wonderful experience! This is our view from our hotel. We definitely can’t complain.


My Accountant

There are so many aspects to running a practice… and I just want to help and adjust people :). Good thing i have Renee Logan and Chris Logan to help me sort through all of that.  I am so grateful to be able to delegate those tasks so I can focus on the things I really need to focus on!